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Power Saver Rewards Program Outreach Resources for Community Based Organizations

Each summer, as we switch on the air conditioners to stay comfortable in the Southern California heat, our power grid becomes stressed under the increased energy demands of our communities. To ensure our communities stay energized through the summer season, it is crucial to educate our residents about ways they can save energy and money, while also helping to prevent power outages. We are excited to partner with you to achieve this goal by encouraging your community’s participation in the Power Saver Rewards (PSR) program.

Download Outreach Resources.

The download link below will download the material available in six (6) languages [English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Tagalog] as one compressed folder.

Disclaimer: *Incentives are applied in the first quarter of the following year and may vary based on actual load reduction during Power Saver Rewards event(s) and actual number of events. $40 per summer season assumes .5 kW per hour x 5 hours/event = 2.5 kWh/event a $2/kWh – $5/event x 8 events per season (based upon number of Flex Alerts in 2021) = $40 each summer season.